
We can help you be an active landlord, rather than just a concrete box owner…

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In today’s show we speak with Marcus Moufarrige, the CEO and Founder of ility.


To take a phrase from ility’s website: “Unify your portfolio data and deploy solutions that truly impact profitability, sustainability, and customer satisfaction,” that’s a plea and a promise that would be hard for any landlord to resist.


And having taken on the massive LGIM (Legal & General Investment Management) as a star client, ility is showing that it’s a promise they can deliver on…


> Listen to Marcus appeal to portfolio owners who want to become more Active Landlord than simply ‘concrete box’ owners…


> Hear about all of the opportunities, cross-overs, and touch points that landlords can access and benefit from, as they hold assets and deliver value to tenants…


> Listen to Marcus discuss how the power of A.I. is going to bring ever more opportunities to review data and find savings and opportunities for service, profit and growth…


> Remove the friction between tenant and landlord, find savings and value in how services can be delivered, and use the power of tech to simply historic and complex systems of the past. Marcus explains how it can all be done…


> And hear Marcus’ fascinating personal journey through property and tech, through different countries and continents, which has brought him to the point of visualising and launching ility…


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