
A solution to the housing crisis…

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Everyone connected in any way to property in the UK knows about the 2-word problem that is the “housing crisis”

However, not enough people know about one of the 2-word solutions to that problem: “shared ownership”

Today’s guest, Kush Rawal, Director of Residential Investment at Metropolitan Thames Valley helps clear that up in today’s show…


Kush has deep-rooted personal memories of seeing his parents use a version of the scheme to get themselves onto the property ladder.

And then later in his own adult life, he and his wife benefited from using the scheme.  

So, Shared Ownership is something that he and the majority of his large team not only know about but have actually lived and breathed it.

Kush explains the simple concept of how it works.  He touches upon the many partners that come together to make it all happen.  He talks about the investment and funding pieces of the puzzle, and also how the developer and construction pieces operate.

And he also touches upon the many examples of the real human stories and individual families who have benefited throughout the decades that the system has been in operation.

Kush reflects upon the challenging times of the 2008 Crash and the COVID-19 Pandemic, and the elements of leadership and skill that saw him and his team get through to the other side of those periods.

A fascinating conversation with a very experienced man in a unique position…


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