
7 Things You Need to Make 2020 Your Year – Progressive Property Podcast

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Want to make 2020 the year of financial freedom? Is it finally time for you to live the property investor life you’ve been dreaming of for years? Tune into today’s podcast where property expert Kevin McDonell shares his 7 top tips that will make 2020 your year! Today, Kevin shares some motivational advice that will help you achieve your full potential and turn you into the successor you’ve been dreaming of, so listen in today and make 2020 the best year yet.


7 things to make 2020 your year.


  • Mindset: mindset is key. Whatever it is you want to achieve, it all starts with belief. The starting point is believing in yourself and your success. If one person in your town can be successful in property then why can’t you? You don’t need to know everything to start, you just need to start and the rest will happen.


  • Knowledge: Once you have the mindset that you can do this, you need to make sure you have the right specialist knowledge. You need to have not just knowledge of a strategy, but knowledge of your area. You need to know about tax, systems, builders and letting agents. It is not only about acquiring this new-found knowledge but using it to move forward.


  • Time: You need to invest time into property in 2020. You need to prioritise your time. Try writing down everything you’re doing with your time over a 7 day period and you will find you’re wasting loads of time. If you can allocate 1 hour a day, 7 days a week you can move your business forward. Put the time into making your success and you can’t fail.


  • Money: You do need money to be involved in property however, It doesn’t have to be your money. Even if you’re doing a no money down deal, there is still invisible money involved such as the property value or borrowed money. You need to be able to access money from various sources when money is needed. Attend networking events, local, national or international events in order to grow your property business.


  • Clear Goals: Each year before the new year approaches, you should write down clear goals for where you want to take your business in the following year. You need to do this before you end up too far into the new year and direction is lost. Make sure your goals are clear and structures. Follow a 6 step concept with your goals:
  • Smart
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Time Bound

Take some time to write out the clear goals that are specific to you, and implement them do the steps to make sure that you achieve them.


  • Willingness to accept rejection: There is not a single successful person on this planet that has not been rejected. Many people expect to get their first big deal and become a success within the first few months, it is not always that simple. Whilst it is a step by step simple process, it needs a lot of work. You need to be willing to understand that rejection is part of the journey, and it is part of the success. Do not let rejection stop you from moving forward.
  • Accountability: Many people think that they are able to do property alone. The reality is, that you can’t. Get yourself a mentor and your results will completely change. You need to be working alongside and be accountable to someone who has walked that road before you, who tells you ‘you are not thinking big enough’ and ‘you can do this’. Somebody who gives you actions to take, otherwise life gets in the way. Prioritize your property journey as number 1. You need accountability from different places if you really want to get your business to where you want it to be.



“You don’t need to see the whole staircase, you just need to take the first step”

“Richard Branson has the same amount of time as us and he has over 400 companies he’s involved in”

“Don’t try and run before you can walk”

“You don’t need to be perfect to get started, but you do need to start to get perfect”

“You’ve got to earn your stripes”



Kevin McDonnell is a Speaker, Author, Mentor & Professional Property Investor. He is an expert when it comes to creative property investment strategies. His book No Money Down: Property Invest talks about how to control and cash flow other people’s property to create financial freedom. 




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